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蔡宛璇  Wan-Shuen TSAI: Video



澎湖成長,旅法數年,現居台北地區。創作媒介從裝置、圖像、錄像和詩文著手,她的裝置作品經常具暫時性,並與所存在的空間構成一特殊關係。而她的錄像創作受實驗電影啓發,呈現開放性的敘事空間或將風景轉變為內在活動的的折射,時而與詩作結合。2004年起與聲音藝術工作者澎葉生(Yannick Dauby)合作「拾景人」系列創作計劃自此逐步探索創作空間的多元可能:社群與藝術的交會、與其他藝術人文領域合作……等等。2008年兩人共同成立回看工作室(,主要聚焦聲音藝術推廣 、聲音作品出版、社群藝術等項目的策劃與實踐 。兩人於2016年受邀參加第20屆雪梨雙年展,創作了與他們關注的三個社群有關的三個短片。著有個人詩文詩集「潮  汐」(2006)、「陌生的持有」(2013)、與她的孩子一同創作的的活版印刷有聲詩集「我想欲踮海內面醒過來」(2017)

TSAI Wan-Shuen

Tsai Wan-Shuen grew up in the archipelago of Penghu, Taiwan. She studied and lived in France for several years and is now based in Taipei. Her art includes mixed-media installation, drawing, video, and poetry. Her installations are ephemeral and constitute a specific relationship to the physical space and architecture. Inspired by experimental cinema, her video art, which is often integrated with poetry, leaves room for open narratives or internalizes landscapes to reflect mental activities. Parallel to her personal projects, she has been collaborating with sound artist Yannick Dauby since 2004, creating a series of projects under the name, Shijingren, which focuses on audio-visual works about landscape. In recent years, they have begun exploring different possibilities in regards to where art could take place, which includes merging communities and art, and collaborations with others working in the fields of art and culture.  In 2008, the duo founded Atelier Hui-Kan (, concentrating on the promotion of sound art, sound work publication, and community-based art.They were invited in 2016 by Sydney Biennale to create three short films related to communities in Penghu and with Hakka and Atayal people.  Tsai is the author of the following publications: a poetry collection titled Tide (2006); A Collection of Poems and Drawings (2013); and a letterpress printed poetry book with audio, realized with her child, Je Voudrais Me Réveiller Dans la Mer (2017).

蔡宛璇  Wan-Shuen TSAI: Service
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